Frequently Asked Questions
We update this page from time to time as we get any legislation updates; you are bound to abide current/new regulations by law. Please read through this page, should you have any query please do not hesitate to contact us.

1. Econnective Mailbox Rentals Service

“the Company”, “We”, “Us” referred to "Econnective Mailbox Rentals Service" which is the trading name of "Econnective UK Ltd.", Registered with "City of Westminster" London Local Authority (under act 2007) Mail Holding / Forwarding Business. Registration No. 109.

“the Customer”, “You”, “Your”, “Mailbox Account Holder”, referred to the person who is signing our agreement.

“the Service”, referred to Mailbox Rental service offered by "Econnective Mailbox Rentals Service".

“the Premises”, “Store”, “business centre”, referred to 4 Little Portland Street London W1W 7JB

2. Mailbox

Request a physical mailbox located at the Premises, the Company will provide the Customer with a key to that mailbox for which the Customer will pay a fee.

Any person having possession of the Customer’s mailbox key is deemed to be authorised by the Customer and the Company will not be bound to enquire into the authority of such a person. The Company will not be liable to any Customer for any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever arising in the event that the key is in fact in the possession of an unauthorised person.

If the Customer loses the key of the mailbox or fails to return it to the Company on termination of this Agreement, the Customer will forfeit the key deposit fee referred above. The customer will be liable to pay a Key Replacement Fee to the Company. Failure to pay the key fee will result in taking further action by the Company against the Customer to recover the liability cost.

Nevertheless it is the Customer's responsibility to renew the Mailbox in time; if for some reason the Customer did not renew the Mailbox but later decided to keep it he/she will be liable to pay for the whole duration counting from the day of expiry not from the payment day. It is not possible for the Customer to cancel the mailbox for already expired account, please read Section 5.a. for full detail.

3. Un-deliverable mail

If the Customer utilises the Mailbox for the large volumes of mail where the Mailbox is not large enough to deliver the mail, the Company will upgrade the account to accomodate the delivered mail; for that the Customer is liable to pay fee for the larger box, failure to pay the required fee the Company reserve right to return the mail and to terminate the account.

Where no further mail can be delivered due to the reason that the mailbox is full; and the Customer has not responded to the Company's notification in this situation; the Company will either return or destroy any un-delivered mail; the Company will not be responsible for any loss in this situation.

4. Additional Names

Additional Names are those to which mailing companies delivering mail and parcels on the Customer mailbox account; those additional names could be person or business names

Use of Additional Name are subject to a Additional Names Fee which will be added to the Service package you have selected; Additional Names Fee is payable upon registration of additional name and everytime the Customer renew the mailbox account.

a) Personal mailbox account holder of a Small size mailbox is entitled to have up to 1 person name. If you wish to use additional names on a “Personal” account you must upgrade to Medium or Large size mailbox as per your requirement, the customer mailbox must not be used for commercial purposes (e.g. the sale of goods or services and marketing or online business etc.).

b) Business mailbox account holder of a Medium size mailbox is entitled to have up to 1 business name listed as recipients of mail. If you wish to use additional names on a “Business” account you must upgrade to Large size mailbox.

5. The Service termination

5.a. Customer's Wish to Terminate Service:

5.a.1. In order to stop using the Econnective Mailbox Rental Services, It is responsibility of the Customer to notify the Company with a 30-day notice in advance; for that the Customer should write a 30 Days Cancellation Notice to the Company.
5.a.2. Upon the given notice, the Customer must ensure that the correspondence mailing address has been changed in any mail senders record i.e. Banks/Building Society, Telephone/Mobile companies, HMRC, Company House, DVLA, NHS, Medical Services, Doctors, Surgery as well as the Customer’s customers, suppliers/vendors, relatives etc.
5.a.3. The Customer account will be terminated after 30 day notice period is over.
5.a.4. No mail will be delivered into the mailbox assigned to the Customer after 30 day notice period is over.
5.a.5. No mail will be handed over to the Customer after 30 day notice period is over; until and unless the Customer has paid any outstanding fee towards the service the Customer has received.
5.a.6. Any further mails and parcels received afterward, will be destroyed after 30 day notice period is over.
5.a.7. The Company is not responsible of receiving the expired account mails / parcel therefore the Company is not responsible to return the mails / parcels, the Customer cannot claim the Company for any damages or theft of the mails and/or parcels and/or anykind of goods when the account has been terminated.
5.a.8. Nevertheless, it is the Customer's responsibility to fulfill all his/her liabilities and secure his/her mail and parcels within the 30 days time.

5.b: Account Termination by the Company:
Econnective Mailbox Rentals service is a licenced company. We are registered and recognised by Westminster Council therefore we follow strict guidelines to operate a fair and safe business in our community.
5.b.1: we have power and reserve right to terminate any Customer's account where:
5.b.2: the Customer does not comply with our Company's policies and terms and conditions.
5.b.3: the Customer failed to provide us the required document.
5.b.4: the Customer failed to provide his / her current physical address location.
5.b.5: the Customer attempts to avoid or pretending to sidestep legal limits (intentionally or not)
5.b.6: fake ID documents provided.
5.b.7: No ID documents provided.
5.b.8. Ordering parcel / mail before ID documents provided.
5.b.9. fake / unregistered names used.
5.b.10. Intentionally or Not, wrong address used / i.e. other mailbox number, unnecessary addition in building address to intentionally create misguidance.
5.c: Abuse Protection:
We are committed to provide a safe environment for our customers to provide them secure service as well as our staff to provide them a secure place to work. We treat any abuse strictly and we reserve right to terminate any Customer's account if:
5.c.1. we train our staff to deal with care with every customer and provide personal level best services however where the Customer uses abusive language with our member of staff
5.c.2. we like to have a long relation with a customer and provide best possible service however where the Customer uses abusive language against our Company for any reason
5.c.3. we provide service and for that a customer shall pay, if a Customer is not agreed to pay either he / she must not use our service or we shall terminate his / her account as we can not bear any cost for the services we provide.
5.d: Fraudalent Activity and Fraud Detection and Prevention
Econnective Mailbox Rentals service is a licenced company. We are registered and recognised by Westminster Council therefore in order to operate fairly as a safe business for our community we have a clear 0.00% Tolerance Policy against Fraud.

5.d.1: the Company detect any unusuall activity consider every single aspect so the Customer should not believe to be committing a fraud.
5.d.2: where the Customer uses Company address for any fraud, potential fraud, attempted fraud, the Account will be terminated.
5.d.3: where the Customer does not fulfill the Company's requirements in relation to fraud prevention of any nature and level, the Account will be terminated.

5.e: Legal Authorities Involvement
Econnective Mailbox Rentals service is a licenced company. We are registered and recognised by Westminster Council therefore in order to operate fairly as a safe business for our community we are bound to be cooperating with all Legal Authorities in the U.K.
5.e.1. Legal Authorities in the U.K. means any representative/investigator of/from Police, Undercover Police, Court-of-Law, HMRC, Council, Company House, Insolvency Officers, Bailiffs, Solicitors/attorney and others who have documentary warrant/evidence to work under U.K Government Law.
5.e.2. the Customer account will be terminated instantly where any Legal Authority steps-in / get-in touch with the Company and launch an investigation regarding any mailbox account.
5.e.3. we do not interferre in Legal Authorities matters
5.e.4. if any content from the Customer mailbox has been confestigated by the Legal Authorities we cannot tell them to not to do so.
5.e.5. we cannot request on behalf of the Customer to the Legal Authorities to return any confestigated content
5.e.6. we cannot deal any matter on behalf of the Customer with the Legal Authorities
5.e.7. the Customer must seek legal assistance to deal with the Legal Authorities
5.e.8. the Company reserve right and has power to remove any contents from the Customer's Mailbox and handover to the Legal Authorities
5.e.9. the Company is not responsible if any loss or damage occurs to the contents of the Customer's Mailbox during confestigation
5.e.10. the Company is not responsible for keeping count of confestigated contents.

Once the mailbox has expired and/or terminated (in other words: the Company and the Customer is not under any written agreement) the Company cannot be held responsible or challenged in any court-of-law against:
(i) not returning the mails to its sender for the terminated mailbox account customer
(ii) destroying the mails/parcels/goods for the terminated mailbox account customer
(iii) loss of any of the contents addressed to the Customer's mailbox.

6. Deposit

6.1. Key Deposit
The Customer is required to pay a deposit for Mailbox Key. The deposit is refundable if the Customer comply with above condition 5 and inform the Company for his/her intention of the Service termination and return the Key within the time during which the account is valid. Failure to do so the Customer will lose his/her right to claim the deposit back.
6.2. Mail Forwarding Deposit
If the Customer has paid Mail Forwarding deposit and he/she does not comply with the condition 5, we will use the remaining balance of deposit for mail handling; if the Customer has complied to the condition 5 then any remaining balance will also be settled with in 30 days of termination notice.
6.3. Refunds
The Company issues any refunds using same method of payment which was used at the time the payment was made. We cannot issue Cash refund if you made the payment for deposit using American Express Credit Card. If you made the payment online we will refund the deposit using online method and so on.

7. Mail Forwarding

The Customer may select a Mail Forwarding service. The Company will forward mail to an Address nominated by the Customer on an agreed basis. For this service the Customer will pay a Mail Forwarding Fee in addition to the cost of materials and postage or courier charges each time mail is forwarded.
It is the responsibility of the Customer to notify the Company of any change to home, registered or business address; or any change to directors or other names recipients of mail in writing, during the period of the Mailbox Agreement.
8. Are there any prohibited items which you will not deliver in my mailbox?
The Customer undertakes

a) Not to use the Mailbox Service for any illegal, immoral, obscene or defamatory purpose and if it does so it acknowledges that the Company may report the same to the police or other relevant authority; and
b) Not to send or deliver or cause to permit to be sent or delivered to the Premises any illegal, defamatory, obscene, dangerous or bulky object or material.

If it appears to the Company in its opinion that the Customer is in breach of condition 6 of these Terms and Conditions, then the company may terminate the mailbox service with immediate effect. In this instance there will be no refund of the mailbox service or any part thereof.
The following items are strictly prohibited to be delivered in your mailbox, these items must not be sent to your mailbox under any circumstance. Any of these items being sent may result prosecution, heavy fines and imprisonment.

1) Animals (including birds, fish, insects, larvae, pupae etc)
2) Animal products (including but not limited to ivory, fur and garments trimmed with fur)
3) Valueable antiques and art work
4) Bullion
5) Cash (including bank notes and currency)
6) Cash-like negotiable instruments in bearer form (including but not limited to bank notes, currency and vouchers)
7) Complete firearms and firearm parts, ammunition, explosives, weapons
8) Dangerous / hazardous goods including but not limited to perfumes, aftershaves, aerosols, flammable
substances, loose lithium batteries, dryice, biological substances, UN classified dangerous goods
10) Electronic item containing more than 1 lithium batteries
11) Flowers and plant products
12) Human remains or ashes
13) Illegal goods (these are goods which are considered illegal in the U.K. but not be limited to pirated goods, counterfeit goods and narcotics)
14) Imitation (replica) firearms, toy guns, weapons, explosive devices or ammunition
15) Jewellery
16) More than 1 lithium batteries for laptop, one package can contain one battery only.
17) Loose lithium batteries
18) Legal drugs and pharmaceutical products over £50 in value
19) Medical samples (including but not limited to bodily fluids and tissue samples)
20) Mobile Telephones battery - Not more than 1 mobile telephone together with accessories. The entire package may not contain more than 1 lithium batteries which must be contained within the mobile telephones.
21) Perishable items that require a temperature controlled environment
22) Drugs Norcotics
23) Pornography
24) Tobacco
25) More than 1 watch with battery.
26) Machine with oil or anykind of petroleum product.
27) Alcohol based liquid products.

9. Is there any restriction to receive certain items?

The following items are deemed unsuitable to be deliver at our mailbox shop, and are therefore restricted. Any of these items being sent will result in surcharge and/or confiscation by authorities where appropriate.


1. Food items (Perishable)
2. Flatpacked Furniture
3. Heavy Glass / Mirror items / Crystal / Ceramic / Pottery/ Porcelaine/ Plaster / Marble / China / Stone / Slate / Resin / Granite / Concrete - (or any item containing these matierals)
4. Laptops / Monitors / Computers 5.
Perishable goods
6. Personal Affects
7. Plants / Seeds / Flowers / Plant derivatives
8. Televisions / Plasma & TFT Screens, Monitors
9. Unaccompanied baggage / Suitcases
10. White Goods, fridges, ovens(also known as range, stove, cooking plate, or cooktop), Microwaves, dishwasher, Washing Machine etc.)
11. Any delicate item, breakable item, where extra care required to handle/storage.

Subject to the provisions of Condition 2 of these Terms and Conditions, the Customer may terminate the Mailbox Service at any time.

10. Acceptance of parcels bigger than the mailbox assigned.

We accept reasonably large size parcels which are easy to carry for 1 person.
Any parcel heavier than 10Kg. will be returned to the sender.
Any parcel larger than 40x40x40cm will be returned to the sender.

The cost of parcel(s) returning to their sender will be billed to the mailbox account holder.
The parcel(s) will be destroyed if the mailbox account holder failed to collect the parcel within the sameday of delivery or refused to pay the returning parcel bill.

11. Mail delivery and couriers

The Company will set a limit on the number of non-document parcels to be received by the Customer; Initial limit can vary. We increase the limit of parcels delivery as an account get mature; however there is no limit on receiving document mail.
We do not accept any parcel delivered by any unidentified person who claim to be your friend or relative.
The Customer may check by telephone or email to see if they have any mail. For security reasons, the Company will not open and read mail or tell who it is from.
The Company will receive on the Customer’s behalf from the Royal Mail or any statutory or other body authorised from time to time by law to operate a mail delivery service all pre-paid mail addressed to the Customer’s mailbox and will deposit the same in the Customer’s mailbox.
The Company shall not in any event be liable for any indirect or consequential loss, including loss of profit, however it may arise, nor for any liabilities, costs, claims, demands or expenses arising from any event beyond its control including, but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay or mis-delivery on the part of the Royal Mail or any other body operating a mail or parcel delivery service.
The company will receive items requiring cash on delivery, subject to the Customer making advance arrangements for their receipt and payment by the company to the satisfaction of the Company.
The Company will receive on the Customer’s behalf items of Special, registered or recorded delivery mail, provided that if the Customer refuses to accept any such terms, the Customer will pay any costs or fees associated with its refusal or return.
The Customer authorises the Company and any of its representatives to sign at their discretion and on the Customer’s behalf for any deliveries addressed to the Customer’s mailbox address.
If the Customer fails to remove any item of Mail within one month after a notice to that affect has been deposited in the Customer’s mailbox then the Customer hereby authorises the Company in its absolute discretion, either to destroy such items at any time without further notice to the Customer. The Company’s costs or expenses incurred in connection with this Condition will be paid by the Customer to the Company in full upon demand.
12. Mail alert

The Company send alerts via email/text to the Customers as soon as we receive any parcel which does not fit in your mailbox.

13. Surcharges

13.1. Parcel surcharge
We notify for every mail and parcel delivery which does or does not fit in your mailbox; if you do not collect such parcel(s) within specified days then there will be a surcharge payable. Normally, there's no charge for customers living in London for 24 hours, other customers who are in other cities within the U.K. can pickup there parcels within one week without any surcharge. All other customers who are not in the U.K. they must make arrangement to pickup there parcels within a week of delivery. Failure to pickup such parcels which cannot fit into your mailbox will result in minimum £5 per parcel per week.

13.2. Late Fee Surcharge

A Late Fee Surcharge will be applicable on the Customer account if he/she does not renew his/her account within valid duration of the account. The surcharge will be added to the account and the surcharge fee must be payable alongwith full payment of next duration.

A surcharge fee will be added in addition to our normal fees.

13.3. Mail Handling Surcharge
13.3.1. Discretion

It is the Company's discretion to receive mail and store it in a secured place for the Customer whose account had been expired; this redemption period is not necessarily available to every account holder it is based on several factors which the Company consider before discretion can be practiced. The company will attempt to contact the Customer to renew the account to help protect the mail delivered in redemption period and any deposits held. 13.3.2. Customer Request

The customer may contact the company and inform us his / her intension to renew the account outside valid duration.

In either situations 13.3.1 and 13.3.2, the Company will not store the Customer mail/parcels in the mailbox but in a separate secured place to distinguish between the mail delivered after the customer account was expired; for which the Customer is liable to pay the Company a Mail Handling Surcharge of £10 per week for letters and £25 per week for parcels.

None of the Surcharges can be deducted from any deposit which the Customer has paid.

14. Payment

We accept payment on-line, via phone, cheque and in-person cash or card at the counter.

Payment for the Service is payable in full in advance for all durations. There will be no refunds for cancellation by the Customer of the Mailbox Service or any part of it at any time after the agreement has been made.

The Customer filled Section 10 of this agreement undertaken the responsibility to have provided correct details of their bank and card with cleared funds available as mentioned in mailbox tariff, that is to avoid transaction decline; any transaction decline will result as suspension of the Customer account immediately as mentioned in Condition 4 of this agreement. The Customer should inform the Company to update the section if it has been changed.

The Company may in its absolute discretion refuse to accept delivery of any item for any reason, including, without limitation, that

a) Any Payment is outstanding ; or
b) If it appears to the Company in its opinion that delivery of the item is in breach of any part of these Terms and Conditions; or
c) If the Mailbox Service is being used for the storage or delivery of the items of value
d) If the Customer is using the Mailbox Service for the delivery of unreasonably large items of mail or an unreasonable volume of items of mail; or
e) If the Company refuses to accept an item from or for a Customer, it will endeavour to inform the Customer at the Customer’s last known address of that decision but the Company shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or other consequences to the Customer or any third party.
f) There is no or insufficient prepaid postage; or
g) If any item received bears the details of an individual or business name not listed as a Mailing Name within the Agreement; or
3. If the Customer fails to make any Payment thirty days after that Payment becomes due or if the Customer breaches any of these Terms and Conditions, the Company shall be entitled at any time thereafter to terminate the mailbox account forthwith without prejudice to any right of action or remedy of the Company in respect of any antecedent claim or breach of condition. The Customer following termination hereby authorises the Company at the Company’s absolute discretion either to destroy any items of mail addressed to the Customer or any items on the Premises which are the property of the Customer, or to return them to the sender, or to return them to the last known address of the Customer at the Customer’s risk. A Late Payment Fee will be charged if payment is not received within five (5) working days of the due date.
4. If any Payments or other sums are outstanding to the Company, the Company shall have a lien over all uncollected items until such payments are duly paid.

15. IDs requirement to open an account

We require you to sign our agreement form and provide us your identity documents.

BY LAW, We require minimum 2 forms of ID to open a mailbox account.

1. One Photo identification - proof of identity for each individual;
2. One Proof of address - Provided both name and address is shown), for each individual.

Additional documents are required for business account:

3. Proof of business incorporation for each company
4. Proof of principal address of business for each company
5. Proof of Photo Identification of business director for each company
6. Proof of address of business director for each company

The Customer may apply on-line to open an account and send us the above listed IDs however, In order to activate the mailbox service the Customer is required to provide original form of IDs:
a) The full name, address and telephone number of all persons for whom mail is to be received, held or forwarded to them; and
b) The nature of business to be undertaken or reason for rental where rental is not for business purposes. A business can be defined as an activity involving the sale of goods and services.
c) Two original forms of identification for all persons for whom mail is to be received, held or forwarded, of a type approved by the Company, including a ‘proof of identity’ and a ‘proof of address.’ A full list is held at A certified copy of the ID will be kept on file and will only be disclosed if requested by the police, HM Revenue and Customs, Trading Standards or other appropriate legal authority.

16. What are the opening hours of your store?

We are open 7 day a week, our timings are:
Monday to Friday : 8.00am to 10.00pm
Saturday and Sunday : 10.00am to 8.00pm

17. Bank Holiday
We open on Bank Holidays from 10.00am to 8.00pm

18. Contact the Customer Service

We update this page from time to time as we get any legislation updates; you are bound to abide current/new regulations by law. Should you have any query please do not hesitate to contact us.

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The ShipCentre is Fedex Authorised ShipCentre where you can print your labels, drop off your package, book your shipment online, arrange a pickup if you are unable to drop off your parcels, please note drop off collection is available for non account holders only, if you hold account with fedex then contact fedex directly as we are a private company which is authorised by fedex to accept fedex account holders parcel at our premises, please note that we charge for our service in case you decide to drop off your parcel with labels or account number, our service charges cover the cost of holding and handling of your parcel at our premises.
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